Athens Art Hotel i Αθήνα

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAthens Art Hotel



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27, Marni Str, 104 32, Αθήνα, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0524 0501
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9876624, Longitude: 23.7277689

kommentar 5

  • en

    D Dusi


    I spent a couple nights here last week and enjoyed it: the staff was helpful and patient with guests; I was put in one of the newer rooms, which had a cool minimalist aesthetic; and the location was good -- not in the exact center Athens but close enough and safe.

  • javier señas

    javier señas


    It is definitely not a 4-stars hotel. Not maintained accordingly. The service was really good and willing to help at any time. That's why it has the two stars.

  • en

    bonson dias


    Good place to stay..poi's are close by..breakfast also good .they serve croissants ,scrambled eggs..may be a more diversified menu would suffice

  • en

    Gregory Adams


    Wonderful hotel, in convenient location with very friendly staff. My 4-person family (two young children) has stayed here five times now over multiple trips to Athens. Staff are friendly and accommodating. Hotel is renovating and expanding, so rooms are gradually getting nicer, but rates still quite reasonable for a central location. The immediate neighborhood is a bit shabby-looking, but completely safe. 5 min walk to metro, 10 min walk to Exarchio restaurants.

  • en

    Cris Scotter


    "Its OK" about sums it up. Its not that its bad, the staff and owners are friendly and responsive, the breakfast is plentiful. However the place is a little tired and looks a little shabby and they are a little short staffed. Those that are here are keen to help and its pretty clean and the bed comfortable. Half a mile walk to the Acropolis area and pretty central (even if the area has seen better times). Its pretty affordable. Would I stay again? Probably. Just dont expect 5* luxury... Its OK.

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