Athens Lotus Apartments i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAthens Lotus Apartments


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7, Chiou, 104 38, Athina, GR Grækenland
kontakter telefon: +30
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Latitude: 37.9870736, Longitude: 23.7212738

kommentar 5

  • Reiner Schlaak

    Reiner Schlaak


    Sehr schöne Lage für alle die nach Athen gegangen sind um dort etwas zu Erleben und guter Ausgangspunkt für alle Richtungen sehr schön gepflegte Zimmer

  • Mindy Adams

    Mindy Adams


    All employee makes you feel at home and helped you on all your accommodation needs. Alex at the front desks stands out, he helped me saved money using metro instead of other transportation. This area is within the city center and can be walkable but using metro is the easiest.

  • en

    Meg Acker


    Excellent Accommodation. Very clean. Overhead lighting was very dim. So close to metro and Athens Locus Hotel with attached restaurant. The restaurant was a wonderful place to have breakfast! Staff very accommodating. Stayed 05/1-05/5/2018.

  • Tom Wennerström

    Tom Wennerström


    Stayed 4 nights. The hotel is near a subway station, which makes it a good starting point if you are to explore the city. There is a minimarket just outside if you get some late night cravings. The breakfast is really good, although quite expensive (10euro). They also serve a lot of other food from the room service menu. Didn't have any of that, so can't say if that is worth a try. The room we had were small. One of the smallest hotel rooms I ever stayed in. So, it was a shortage of table space most of the time. Bed was ok, as well as the bathroom. Air-condition was terrible. Just an on/off button. All other settings were handled by the reception. An it stopped working in the middle of the night, so you had to restart it.

  • it

    Luciano Cristaldi


    Valida soluzione per alloggiare ad Atene. Appartamenti nuovi e molto belli in zona centrale. Buona scelta! Attenzione però alla microcriminalità della zona, uno dei 3 centri delle bande locali di borseggiatori, molto attive soprattutto nella metropolitana e sui bus.

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