Elikon i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Dorou, 104 31, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0522 1695
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Latitude: 37.9848419, Longitude: 23.7288566

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cosmin Reaboiu


    It was perfect for one night. Staff is a ten plus!

  • Mehmet Göktuğ İçten

    Mehmet Göktuğ İçten


    Very central. Renovated.

  • Ivana Velickovic

    Ivana Velickovic


    Good lacation, near metro station. Problem with hot water... Unfortunately, there was no hot water in our room several times for a period of 4 days, while the other rooms had hot water... It's clean, regularly maintained, friendly staff. Overall a good impression, except for the problems with hot water.

  • Martin Rose

    Martin Rose


    Low price but the room don't look like in the pictures at all!!!! Mine was very tiny. I was happy to stay for only one night

  • en

    Jonathan P. Vacas


    I DO RECOMMEND THIS PLACE TO STAY SOME DAYS IN ATHENS. The hotel is very well located at walking distance of everything in Athens. We choose the room with private bathroom. The price was great! Everything was brand new (we could see they are still working on it but it is fully functional by now) and our room (24, last floor) had a huge terrace with nice views to one of the hills next to Athens center. Good bed and tiny but comfy bathroom. The staff members were a 10/10! Really good and helpful people! We would repeat for sure.

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