Meni Apartments Hotel i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandMeni Apartments Hotel



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8, Psaron, 104 37, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0522 5950
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.986227, Longitude: 23.7222484

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jaclyn Guenette


    Excellent Accommodations! Would highly recommend staying here. The staff are extremely friendly and helpful.

  • Rene Guenette

    Rene Guenette


    Can not remember the last time I had such a good experience in a hotel. The owner George and his excellent staff Julia showed unreal hospitality to my family and if anyone one was coming to Athens. I would highly recommend this establishment. Hop on hop off is close as well as great local restaurants and bars.

  • en

    Cindy Germain


    Amazing friendly staff and owner! Thank you so much George and Julia for welcoming us and treating us like family. Location is fantastic to enjoy local atmosphere. Fantastic restaurant down the street!! We ate there twice!!

  • Winnie Xu

    Winnie Xu


    We stayed some days at Meni Apartments and their service at the entrance is very nice. The lady told us a lot about the area and also recommended which place to go to and enjoy some amazing food. She showed us everything on the map. Unfortunately we suffered from some problems. At first, the air conditioner wasn't working properly and afterwards there were problems with the water temperature. Luckily, we were able to change the room one floor higher. The publich transportation is very well connected and very easy to reach. There are enough mini supermarekts next to the hotel and also enough little restaurants. The rooms itself are nicely decorated and there is also a safe in the room. I would highly recommend Meni apartments!

  • Murat özdemir

    Murat özdemir


    There are fresh rooms ,bath and kitchen. Every stuff are quality products and brand new. Definitely different from other places in that area

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