Hotel Lito i Paralia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandHotel Lito



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Ag. Nikolaou 10, Paralia 601 00, Grækenland
kontakter telefon: +30 2351 064420
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.2667155, Longitude: 22.5972605

kommentar 5

  • pl

    Agata Packa


    Duże pokoje. Położenie w samym centrum.

  • Daniel Wysocki

    Daniel Wysocki


    Sam hotel to tylko miejsce noclegowe i nie mam zastrzeżeń, obsługa przy barze i basenie to dramat - wyłączanie oświetlenia ok 23:00 gdy graliśmy w karty, barman nie akceptujący w kolejce osób "all inclusive", wszystkie dania zaprawione octem by miały dłuższą świeżość.

  • Anna Krastenova

    Anna Krastenova


    Стаите в действителност нямат нищо общо със снимките на сайта на хотела. Еднообразна храна, беден асортимент. Персонала не е особено любезен.

  • Viktor Diramerján

    Viktor Diramerján


    Nagyon kellemes hotel.Igen rendszerető házigazdákkal.A reggelik finomak,de nem túl változatos.A kávé pocsék.Mindent egybevéve tiszta klassz hely.

  • Vladimir Ristevski

    Vladimir Ristevski


    As we were waiting for our room to get ready, we sat down in the lounge area of the hotel and since we were very tired we decided to put our feet up on the small chairs around the table. As soon as the man at the reception (I assume he's the owner of the hotel) saw us, without any warning or previous comment he started to yell at us in Greek at the top of his lungs, and started using curse words, after which he came running from behind the desk and it looked like he wanted to hit us, but restrained at the very last second! We understand putting your feet up can be frowned upon, but this was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me in a hotel, and despite all the other good things at the hotel, I would never come back to this place again. Regarding the parking, yeah, sure, it's free, but it takes expert maneuvers to get in, and once you do, other cars block you, and you can only leave at the end of your stay, so having a car there is useless. Other than that - it's great value for money, perfect location. You go out of the hotel and you are in the center of all things in Paralia. The air-conditioner is brand new and very powerful.

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