Oscar Hotel i Paralia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandOscar Hotel


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5, Agiou Nikolaou, 601 00, Paralia, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2351 063525
internet side: www.hoteloscar.gr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.266774, Longitude: 22.5976337

kommentar 5

  • Girgina Valkova

    Girgina Valkova


    Перфектна локализация, страхотен изглед.

  • DeMonique



    It is ok, very close to the beach, we requested a room with a view to the sea, because at the front it is too noisy. Friendly staff on the beach. The beach has a box ki, where you can keep all your valubles for the day when you stay on the beach for 1 euro. The water and the sand are very good on the beach behind this hotel. Parking 300 m away from the hotel, public one i think. And also the hotel has elevator.

  • miroslav janic

    miroslav janic


    Cool hotel

  • Benko Emil

    Benko Emil


    The location is very good, in the center of the city. There are rooms with sea view.

  • Alin Cristian

    Alin Cristian


    Nice view and best location. Nothing else..

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