G L i Paralia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandG L


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Paralia 601 00, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2351 062571
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Latitude: 40.2684913, Longitude: 22.5964307

kommentar 5

  • Таня Димова

    Таня Димова



  • sanja protić

    sanja protić


    VERY GOOD!!!

  • Милутин Миљанић

    Милутин Миљанић


    Doesn't feel like three stars hotel, more like two. I went here on a school trip and I got a room with 4 beds. Those were beds more like for early primary school students than for high school students (two small French/double beds). There were no soaps in bathroom nor a lock, and we found only one towel for four of us; closet is for two, not four people; room is generally small (guys next door got twice the size of everything (and single beds) for the same price of trip. Food is 1.5/5, a lot of oil or bad taste (milk is like water, ham tastes fake...). Good thing is hotel is on a good spot and has nice balkons.

  • Stefan Nikolic

    Stefan Nikolic


    Hotel most time doesn't have warm water, the staff were really bad, we moved to another hotel after two days... I really don't recommend this place...The wifi shuts down every night about 00:00 clock. We couldn't stay at terrace at the the night. We couldn't bring alchocol at the hotel room. Tv only have 2 channels. The security is looking at ours bags and pockets every time we enter to hotel. And the food was disgusting, i have been in too many hotels but this is WORST ONE...

  • Nicolae Dragoi

    Nicolae Dragoi



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