Hotel Ioni i Paralia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandHotel Ioni


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Paralia 601 00, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2351 061223
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Latitude: 40.2678626, Longitude: 22.5976815

kommentar 5

  • Ioana Voica

    Ioana Voica


    Close to the beach. Spacious room. The cleaning was made every day, the towels were changed at 3 days. The breakfast was tasty. Car park at 500 m from the hotel.

  • Ionut Predoiu

    Ionut Predoiu


    I recommend this because of silence and beauty, together with great services and very close to beach !

  • Adrian Nuta

    Adrian Nuta


    A wonderful location. welcoming people, we will always come back with pleasure. Thank you, madam Olympia and Mr. Nikos!

  • Andrei Slabutu

    Andrei Slabutu


    Very nice place, very clean, and very good houst. Enjoy your vacation on this hotel. Best regards.

  • Laura Lupu

    Laura Lupu


    It is a very clean hotel, with lovely rooms and large enough balconies, very close to the sea, with a beautiful garden, with amazing flowers and trees and most of all with owners, receptionists and cleaners that all make one feel welcome in that place.

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