RG Status Hotel i Paralia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandRG Status Hotel


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8, Anapafseos, 601 00, Paralia, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2351 061695
internet side: www.rgstatushotel.gr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.2684166, Longitude: 22.5946046

kommentar 5

  • Marjan Stojanov

    Marjan Stojanov


    Great and clean hotel with awesome breakfast

  • Denislav Milushev

    Denislav Milushev


    There is no water in the rooms, towels haven't been changed for three days, staff is very unresponsive, receptionist are very rude, speak only Greek. Head manager yelling at everyone. We are group children are scared of him. If you would like to stay at cool place, and have a nice time, this is not your place... Definitely! P. P. Bad coffee, very poor breakfast...

  • Andrew Napolski

    Andrew Napolski


    Was really satisfied staying at the hotel. Very kind staff and very reasonable price.

  • Dan Mesca

    Dan Mesca


    Love it, clean rooms, clean towels every day, staff is helpful and the breakfast is ok, can't complain about anything. Planning to be back here

  • Vladi Ivanov

    Vladi Ivanov


    Very nice, incredibly clean, super quiet air conditioning and elevator. Close to the beach, but not too close to be noisy and crowded. The hosts are great, thank you for having us!

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