Atlantis Hotel i Παραλία

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAtlantis Hotel


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1-4, Ιωάννη Μεταξά, 601 00, Παραλία, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2351 062111
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Latitude: 40.2709268, Longitude: 22.5988907

kommentar 5

  • daniel Ungureanu

    daniel Ungureanu


    5 stars say all

  • Xiaomiredmi4 Redmi

    Xiaomiredmi4 Redmi


    Very good hotel, good service, The Best personal.

  • Sacha van Straten

    Sacha van Straten


    We had a fantastic room which was well appointed, with a king size bed and excellent shower room. There were uninterrupted views of the sea from our balcony. The food was traditional Greek, plentiful and new dishes every day. The staff could not have been more helpful.

  • Pjotr Geerts

    Pjotr Geerts


    Location is great and close to the beach. The rooms is very very small. Not what You expect. There is no space for example in the bathroom to put your Toothbrush etc. Also there is Nothing to hang the toilet paper. For your close in the closet there is only space for 1 person. Looks like all the room is for 1 person and they put a double bed. In the morning You can catch hot water in the evening there is only cold water. This supposes to be a double standard room but Actualy You get a single standard room. The staff people is also not willing to help. We are very disappointed.

  • Alexander Pettersen

    Alexander Pettersen


    We came here from Ohrid in Macedonia at 11pm and were met with a smile and no problems even so we booked the room on are way here. The room was nice and clean and up to our expectations. The people who work here are friendly and helpful. The breakfast is pretty good, but lacks a little meat, usually just one choice. But overall good. Lots of dessert choices

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