Epavlis Eleftheriadi GR

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandEpavlis Eleftheriadi


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Paralia 601 00, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2351 063707
internet side: www.hotel-epavlis.com
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Latitude: 40.2767678, Longitude: 22.5967634

kommentar 5

  • Златина Димитрова

    Златина Димитрова


    The hotel is so modern, cosy and clean. The stuff is cool and friendly. Highly recommend!

  • Viktor Nanev

    Viktor Nanev


    It's like 4 star hotel. Everything is extremely clean, the owner is very polite and has recommended to us where to eat the perfect delicious food and where to go to beach. The hotel is 3-4 mins walking distance from the beach, far from overcrowded paralia, but close enough to go to there. The beach in front is perfect. Our room had a nice sea view. Highly recommended place to stay!

  • Latchezar Bogdanov

    Latchezar Bogdanov


    Very nice quiet and clean place! Friendly staff

  • Dana Cartana

    Dana Cartana


    New hotel with confortable, spacious rooms and nice quality furnishings. Very good beds and high cleaning standard. It was one of the best experiences in terms of hospitality, we travelled with a small child and were treated like family.

  • Mariusz Pajor

    Mariusz Pajor


    Very good hotel. Nice people at reception. Very good quality of rooms and bathrooms. Clean. Modern style. Close to sea close to city. The best place in Paralia Katerinis

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